Chapter 2 – Consumerization of Talent Acquisition

Consumerization of Talent Acquisition – Candidates are more like consumers of your company’s hiring processes than ever before. Are you creating the same type of process for them that you do for customers? The rise in visibility of processes, status and satisfaction ratings are changing. Have your recruiting processes done the same? One challenge about the recruiting process is that the vast majority (in some cases, 99%) of those who apply will receive what they consider an unfavorable result. There are also many studies linking candidate satisfaction in the recruiting process to candidate impressions of your product and company.  That is partly why it is important to separate the employment brand from the product brand.  It is easier to differentiate between the two when they are recognized as being different and can be approached differently. 


If you are not already doing so, have your team generate a funnel analysis similar to the one below. What do you notice and how have you acted upon it? Fill out the funnel below with your own numbers.  Run one analysis for the enterprise and then for each of your highest volume positions.  What do you learn from that information?

How interactive is your process? Does the candidate get value from applying to your positions? What is it they gain, and what could it be?

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