Chapter 3 – Process Automation and Data Based Decision making
Process Automation and Data Based Decision making – Process automation allows for consistency and quality control of the information being shared. I am not advocating fully automated processes, but automation can be very useful in gathering and distributing information consistently so that people can make comparisons that are fair. Technological advances have been significant over the past 20 years, but the recruiting process has not changed much. Using “gut feelings” and hiring manager instincts are still in use. Also, non-job-related requirements are a normal practice. In order to win the war for talent, you have to be better at truly identifying the qualifications of the position and then looking for how candidates match them. You also have to be able to see the value that they add instead of focusing on finding deficiencies. There are just not enough candidates to continue practices that were designed whten there were an abundance of candidates.
How automated is your recruiting process?
The labor market has moved from a talent surplus to a War for Talent. What is your company doing differently to attract talent?
What service, information, or company knowledge do you share with your candidates and what steps are you taking to convert more of the candidates generated into hires? How are you ensuring consistency of message and evaluation?