Chapter 7 – How Does Your Process Run?
Here is an exercise that I suggest you follow: Think of a key position in your company. Try to find it, read the job description and then apply. Have your managers do the same.
Ask yourself the following questions:
How easy is it to find, and how easy is it to apply?
Does the job description make sense to someone who knows nothing about your company?
How many times did you have to “click” to finish the process.
Was the process easy?
Will your next contact be the “no, thank you” email? How would that make you feel?
We once did an audit on a process that we thought we were great at running. We followed this exercise and found that there were 16 touch points from the time the candidate applied to the time they started. Most questions of the candidate could not easily be answered because no one really knew what the other teams (procurement, IT, benefits, etc). After their start date, they received a survey from each department, with some of them asking duplicate questions. Everyone was trying to do the right thing, but the company was increasing the expense of hiring candidates and it still resulted in a poor candidate experience.
Does anyone on your team do a periodic process review to see how things are being handled?